100x Washed Ghee (Shata Dhauta Ghrutam)


100 times washed ghee is an Ayurvedic natural skin moisturizer. It is an excellent remedy for reducing wrinkles, soothing burns, eliminating scars & treating eczema. The ghee goes into your skin without any oily residue and leaves you with deeply moisturized feeling that stays until you wash your face/body again.   35 gms- Rs 440 50 gms – Rs 575

Additional information

Key Benefits

Penetrates into 7 layers of the skin to heal, protect, & repair it.
Natural skin moisturizer.
Prevents blemishes, wrinkles, acne, dark spots, dark circles, sun tan & signs of ageing on face.
Reduces freckles & clears eczema.
Can be used for baby massages.
Cures napkin rashes for babies, foot cracks & rough skin.


DM Water, Gir Cow Ghee.


To be mixed with Kumkumadi Oil & Nalpamaradi Oil for best results since it acts as a carrier for penetrating upto the 7th layer of skin. Use only at night.
Apply directly as a moisturizer for face & body,

Net Weight

35 gms


NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION. Extreme oily skin types should apply only twice a week or very little quantity. Use only at night.

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